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Upin & Ipin
7 Min / Episodes
TV Series
Malay, English, Mandarin
Aug 2007


Upin & Ipin is an animation series about a pair of 5-year-old twins named Upin and Ipin who experience their first ever fast in the month of Ramadhan. It is told from their perspective in such a way that is simple, comical and hilarious. Their grandmother, Opah and elder sister, Ros, will give them advice and guidance as the story





goes on. and guidance as the story goes on. The good values will be easily understood by the children and will give a lasting impression upon them, as it is intertwined with the plot in a subtle manner. Although the series is tailored for release during the fasting month, they are also suitable to be shown all year round as it contains educational and moral values for children.

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          info musim 9


 Siri animasi Upin & Ipin bakal menemui kawan-kawan sekali lagi pada tahun in dengan musim baru. Ada banyak cerita baru dan kisah yang melucukan akan disiarkan bermula pada musim cuti persekolahan ini. Pada musim lepas, Upin Ipin telah bertemu dengan Ultraman Ribut, mengetahui kisah ibubapa mereka dan juga mengenali ikan laga. Apa agaknya kisah menarik pada musim ini?

mari kita simak teaser upin ipin musim 9 cip cip cip




Like us, you too have a right to live with your family; to be cherished and loved; to be protected from abuse and neglect; and to have nutritious food, clean water and proper healthcare. All of us have the right to go to school, to have time to play and to rest. Each of us also have valuable contributions to make and a voice of our own. When supported by family and every other adult, we can realise our full potential and grow up to be valuable members of our society. Our rights are protected by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). It’s been signed by almost every country in the world, including Malaysia!

Upin and Ipin, like all children and teenagers
below 18 years old, have the right to grow up
safe, happy and healthy.

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